Wednesday, 11 June 2014

50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images

50 Health Tips Biography


Explore simple diet and lifestyle modifications proven to lower hypertension (high blood pressure). Learn how to interpret food labels to identify the food choices that are best for you and to recognize marketing hype designed to trick you into thinking a product is a healthier choice. Become better informed about foods that have cancer-fighting properties and foods that seem to promote cancer formation. And just in time for spring, receive tips for planting an herb or vegetable garden.

Remain on the path with us, making small changes as you go, and emerge in May a healthier, happier you.

Healthy Tips
The following weekly tips have been comprised by the Pathways to Wellness health team. They are meant to complement Pathways to Wellness program discussions and are not intended to replace the medical advice of your physician or to replace physician office visits.

Cardio (or aerobic exercise) is a major component of most exercise plans. It is great for burning fat and working on speed or endurance, but it can be time consuming. If burning calories is your main goal, you can effectively exercise in less time. The key to not losing effectiveness when cutting the length of your routine is to boost the intensity. By adding more intense bursts of cardio you can burn more calories in less time. After your warm up, sprint for a few seconds or walk uphill as hard and fast as you can for a bit, then slow down and catch your breath. Keep repeating this cycle of very intense periods (hard enough that you cannot speak in complete sentences) with slower periods and you can burn as many calories in much less time. Let’s say you walk for 45 minutes daily, by adding intensity bursts you might get the same results in about 20 minutes and feel like you had a harder workout.
Strength training is also crucial to losing weight; it builds metabolically active muscle. One pound of muscle takes up less space than one pound of fat. When lifting, rest one muscle group while working another instead of standing around waiting and resting. Immediately follow a set of chest presses with squats. Keep movin

from muscle to muscle and you keep your heart rate up while shaving idle time from your time spent exercising. You can also do a heavier (more intense) workout with fewer reps.

Exercising does require a time commitment, but we can use our time wisely and get great results. Try a condensed workout with intensity bursts to save time and see faster results.

Brown RiceInstant and quick-cooking varieties of brown rice have pre-cooked the brown rice for you, cutting your cook time to only five or ten minutes, with no addition of sodium or other unwelcome ingredients. In the case of brown rice, this is a good tradeoff because the nutritional sacrifice is minimal while the time-savings is maximal. However, use caution with new flavored or ready-in-seconds varieties of rice. While they are a quick and easy way to add whole grains to the diet, most of these super-quick sides are high in sodium.

Go for the unprocessed, old fashioned oatmeal. The soluble fiber contained in oats and other foods binds with and helps remove cholesterol that can clog your arteries and lead to heart disease. But for the healthiest oatmeal option, stick with the unprocessed oatmeal. The few minutes time that you save by using instant oatmeal isn’t worth the nutritional losses. Old fashioned oatmeal contains no sodium and only one gram of sugar, and has a little more protein and fiber. Instant oatmeal varieties contain about 300 milligrams of sodium and 13 grams of sugar (equivalent to about three teaspoons) and less protein and fiber. Instant oatmeal may cook in the microwave in 90 seconds, but old fashioned oatmeal only takes three minutes.
A word about salt

Table SaltSalt is a mineral, a naturally occurring substance.  We get it from evaporating salt water; blasting it out of mines, or flushing it out of the ground and boiling off the water.  The salt in our body is referred to as sodium.  Sodium is an electrolyte which conducts electricity.  Too much or too little sodium can have serious effects on our health.
Muscular Fitness through strengthening/resistance activities will help you to increase muscle mass and bone strength. Strong muscles will decrease your risk of fall. Examples of strengthening activities are resistance machines, free weights, medicine balls, homemade weights (such as plastic soft drink bottles filled with water or sand) and resistance bands. You can also use your own body weight to provide resistance. Muscle blasts fat; the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories for energy.

Stretching/Flexibility - Most aerobic and strengthening activities cause your muscles to contract and flex. It is important that you stretch those muscles. Stretching will improve the range of motion of your joints, maintain flexibility and promote better posture. Regular stretching can relieve stress. Yoga is a great stretching activity which relieves stress and increases flexibility. You should stretch after you exercise, when your muscles are warm. If you do not exercise regularly, try to stretch at least three times per week. You can warm up by walking or doing a favorite exercise at low intensity for 5-10 minutes.

Balance Training – You can be aerobically fit, strong, and flexible and still have poor balance. Balance tends to deteriorate with age. Increased balance will decrease your risk of fall. Tai chi is a great activity for balance, as well as stress relief. Yoga exercises can also help improve balance abilities.

Core Stability – The muscles in your abdomen, lower back and pelvis are your core muscles. Your core muscles help to protect your lower back and connect upper and lower body movements. Core exercises train the muscles to brace the spine. Core strengthening can reduce back pain. Core exercises are any exercise that uses the trunk of your body without support. Try sitting at your desk on a stability ball.

You have a greater chance of living longer (and healthier) if you have a strong grip, are able to rise from a chair quickly, walk fast and can balance on one leg.

You should always consult your physician prior to beginning any new exercise program if you are pregnant, are on medication, have had a surgery, or have any health issues. If you are new to exercise, it is helpful to join a structured gym or fitness center, at least initially. Exercise professionals can introduce you to a variety of options and can ensure that you are exercising safely and using good form. Exercises done incorrectly, are at best, ineffective and a waste of your time. At worst, exercises done incorrectly are harmful and can cause injury. Today, many health plans will subsidize gym fees.

Enjoying ExerciseThe key to developing a life-long exercise regime that works for you is to find something that you will enjoy and look forward to doing. Choosing activities that you enjoy will increase the likelihood that you will stick with your exercise program. Ask yourself – what did you like to do as a child? Think about your personality. Would you prefer to do something alone, with a friend, in a group, in a class with a leader or with a trainer? Do you prefer alone time or social time? Do you like to be indoors or outdoors? Do you like to compete with others or with yourself? Do you enjoy team or solo activities? Do you enjoy the water or are you more of a land lover? What are some activities that you might enjoy now?
Start small, but start today
Was there a time when you engaged in regular physical activity? Think about that place in time. Share the story of that time. What allowed this to happen? What did you enjoy about this? How did you feel? What benefit was this to you? Why was that important to you? In what way is this different than how you look/feel now? In what way would you benefit if you were to be more active now? Why is this important to you? What would have to happen/change in order for this to happen today? What changes do you have control over? What supports would you need (support of others, your environment)? What one, small first step would you be willing to commit to this week to move you toward your goal? What will you do to set yourself up for success this week? Write it down. Tell somebody about it. Post it where you will see it daily.
p Your Metabolism Running

Eat enough calories:  When you cut way back on calories your body thinks it is starving and conserves energy, slowing down your metabolism, i.e. burning fewer calories for energy than it would otherwise.

50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images

50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images
50 Health Tips Health Tips in Urdu for Kids In Hindi for Women for 2012 for Men for Summer in Urdu for Man Tamil Images

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